

Things I've Learnt Building How-Dep

January 03, 2020

How-dep is a CLI tool that analyzes your TypeScript1 project, counting how many imports it encounters per each module your project depends on.

How-dep generates both a CLI report and a living, breathing HTML report. Here’s an example of one.

To run how-dep, first install it (yarn global add how-dep), then run it in your project’s root folder (how-dep).

Here’s the gist of what I’ve learnt building it.

Statically Analyzing a TypeScript File

First, I needed a way to get all the module imports within a project. TS Query seemed pretty useful for that cause.

TS Query is a tool that allows you to query a TypeScript file for nodes (AST nodes), using a CSS selector-ish type syntax.

For example, running the following query will return all the functions who’s name is “foo” (or more accurately, the nodes of the names of the functions)

FunctionDeclaration > Identifier[name="foo"]:first-child

You can play with it here, it’s pretty cool.

Using TS Query I was able to easily find all import statements and generate a report accordingly.

Rendering an HTML File From the CLI

Rendering a report to the CLI is easy, simply log whatever you want and use chalk to color it up. Rendering an HTML report is not too complicated either, when utilizing React’s SSR abilities.

After creating a simple React based report (the app), I needed a way to dump it out into an HTML file and present it to the user. renderToString was a simple way to do it.

ReactDOMServer.renderToString will take a React Element, and spit out the HTML that renders it.

Dump its output to a temporary file, give it a name, and you have a static page that renders your app:

import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import tempDirectory from 'temp-dir'

// ...

const outputHTML = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<App data={data}></App>)

const outputFilePath = `${tempDirectory}/how-dep-report.html`

fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, outputHTML)

Bringing Your Static HTML to Life

When rendering using React’s renderToString you end up with an HTML file, all your hooks and event listeners are not part of it, the HTML only contains the markup that’s needed to render the app on the client side until the JS bundle that brings it to life arrives. To bring your React app to life you’ll have to:

  1. Load ReactDOM from the dumb HTML file
  2. Load the React app (we’ll bundle it using Webpack)
  3. Run ReactDOM.hydrate, passing it the app and the HTML node the app is currently rendered in

So, first, lets bundle ReactDOM and the app we’ve made and dump it with all the rest into our dumb HTML file, to do that we’ll use Webpack.

Out of the box Webpack comes with sensible defaults, enough for us to simply give it an entry file, an output path and watch it bundle it up.

Since I’m not an animal, I’ve used TypeScript when building how-dep, but since I’m too lazy to create a webpack.config.js file, I’ve used the TypeScript compiler to generate the JS files by adding the following to my package.json scripts map:

  "build:watch": "tsc --watch"

I’ve set TSC to transpile the TS files into a folder named “dist”.

Then, I’ve added the following scripts to my package.json:

  "webpack:build": "webpack dist/web/App.js --mode=production -o ./dist/web/bundle.js",
  "webpack:watch": "npm run webpack:build -- --watch"

The first one runs Webpack on App.js, bundling it and all its dependencies into dist/web/bundle.js, the second one simply runs the first one in watch mode.

I’ve also added the following script:

  "start": "concurrently \"npm:build:watch\" \"npm:webpack:watch\"",

Which uses Concurrently to run both npm scripts at the same time, this was useful when developing how-dep, greatly improving the feedback loop.

So now that we’ve got TSC and Webpack up and running, we have a bundled JS file we can consume from our dumb HTML report file so we can bring it life.

To consume the bundled JS we’ll simply place it within a <script> tag which we’ll render using the renderToString call we made earlier.

const ouputHTML = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
        __html: fs
          .readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/web/bundle.js'))
    <App data={data}></App>

Now, our HTML contains our bundled app, we just need to call ReactDOM.hydrate once it loads.

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  window.addEventListener('load', () => {
    ReactDOM.hydrate(<App />, document.body)

A few things to note about the block above, first, we only run it in production mode, so that when how-dep renders the app (i.e., when the user runs how-dep from the CLI) that piece of code won’t run. We don’t want it to run since the CLI runs in Node which has no clue what window is.

Second, adding the load event listener is simply good practice, it’s there so that no matter where I place that bundle’s <script> tag, it will only run after the the app’s markup has rendered.

At this point, the app renders fine initially, but once React’s hydration starts the data is gone and nothing gets rendered.

That’s because the app expects some props, which are now missing.

export default function App({ data }) { // ...

To pass that data, we to add it serialize it and dump it out the HTML file.

Adding the following <script> tag within the module responsible of rendering the HTML file will expose everything we need through an object on the window:

    __html: `window.__HOW_DEP = {
      data: ${JSON.stringify(data)},

So now, revisiting our code from before, we can write:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  window.addEventListener('load', () => {
        data={(window as any).__HOW_DEP.data}      />,

And our HTML should now render fine once fully loaded. Amazing!

Styling the App, the Lazy Way

Revisiting my previous point, I really didn’t feel like creating a webpack.config.js file for this project. Having React and Webpack bundled within a CLI tool seemed crazy enough, and I was too lazy to read the docs.

So when the problem of styling the app came up, importing css files was out of the question.

Instead, I used good-ol’ Styled Components. Following their docs I simply had to add the following to my html rederer:

import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components'
const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet()

// ...

const outputAppBody = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
  sheet.collectStyles(/* script tags and app go here...  */)

const styleTags = sheet.getStyleTags()

const outputHTML = styleTags + outputAppBody

Adding a Title and a Favicon

Adding both a title and favicon means dealing with the HTML’s <head> tag. To do that in SSR world I used React Helmet.

For the favicon to work, I decided to base64 encode it and bake it into a React component. I think I’ve used this tool for it, though I’m not sure.

1 How-dep supports JavaScript as well, just provide it with a basic tsconfig.json file